Young persons’ free bus travel

Scotland’s taking action to reach net zero, with free bus travel for all under 22s to help combat climate change.
Young people benefit from the scheme already.

Young people travel free in Scotland
Supporting people to make sustainable travel choices is key to tackling the climate emergency, and many young people are already actively engaged in the challenge. Research also shows that 61% of young Scots agree that free access to public transport will play a central role in the fight against climate change.
That’s why we’ve introduced the Young Persons’ Free Bus Travel scheme, to help young people make sustainable travel choices that minimise emissions and help us reach net zero. It will also help to create a fairer, safer transport system that gives young people easier and more equal access to work, education, and leisure opportunities. Not to mention the health benefits that come with relying less on cars and opting for bus and active travel instead.
To easily apply for free bus travel, under 22 year olds need a recent passport style photo as well as proof of identity and address.
Parents or guardians can apply for children aged between 5 and 15.
75% of 16 to 21 year olds already joined and benefitting
Your guides
Your guides

Guide 1
Benefits of public transport
Choosing sustainable public transport is a great way to take climate action, at the same time as supporting healthier and happier communities.

Guide 2
Making the most of your walk
Choosing to walk instead of taking the car for shorter journeys helps cut carbon emissions and reduces congestion and pollution.

Guide 3
Getting started with cycling
Cycling has so many benefits. Here’s how to get started with this healthier and happier way to travel.

Guide 4
Climate Conversations - Transport
By rethinking how you use your car and reducing the number of daily journeys you take, you can help make Scotland a healthier, fairer, greener place to live.
Take action starting now
To achieve net zero by 2045, we must take action now. Start here to find ways that you can make changes in your life at home and on the go.
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