Getting started with cycling

A person on a bicycle

Every journey taken by bike instead of car stops harmful greenhouse emissions entering the atmosphere, getting us closer to our net zero target.

75% of us

The National Cycle Network has thousands of miles of dedicated cycling routes – and the good news is that 75% of us live within two miles of a route!

Cyclist on a road

It’s also easier than ever to cycle around towns as we’ve invested in more cycle lanes, off-road paths and advanced stop boxes at junctions.

The National Cycle Network has thousands of miles of dedicated cycling routes – and the good news is that 75% of us live within two miles of a route! There is the one-off expense of getting kitted out, but once that’s done, you could save on travel costs and have an enjoyable, healthy activity to take part in for years to come.

Find out more about what Scotland is already doing.

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