Net Zero Blog
Blog Listing Items
Building on sustainable foundations to protect an island landscape for future generations
Located in Skye’s coastal village of Waternish, Skyeskyns produces the highest quality sheepskins. With the support of Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Skyeskyns has built upon its sustainable foundations and implemented various innovative initiatives across the company.
Celebrate Burn’s Night – the sustainable way
After the excitement of Christmas, January can seem rather dull and quiet. Burns Night however on the 25th serves up the perfect opportunity to enjoy some fun and warmth wherever you are, from a dram of whisky and a spot of food with friends, to a reading of one of his poems.
Hospitality firm reaping the benefits of embarking on the journey to net-zero
With support from across the public sector, including Scottish Enterprise and Business Gateway, Oak Tree Inn has implemented various innovative initiatives across the company in order to become more sustainable.
Clothing rental firm shows journey to net zero is in fashion
One business that has been committed to sustainability since its inception in 1997 is ACS Clothing, a Rental and Resale reverse logistics provider in the fashion rental industry.
Education Resources: COP and Climate Change
Education Scotland has worked closely with key partner organisations to provide support and resources to help education settings and learners engage in the five key climate education themes of the COP26 Conference: nature, clean transport, energy transition, finance, adaptation and resilience.
The Public Sector Working Together To Achieve Net Zero
Scotland has world-leading climate change legislation, committing us to the target of net zero greenhouse gas emission by 2045. Scotland needs its public sector bodies to work together to tackle these ambitious targets. In this guest blog, Sustainable Scotland Network (SSN) discusses the importance of collaboration, shares examples of ongoing work and highlights resources available.
Jargon Busting
When you read and hear about climate change, do you feel a little bit lost? You’ve maybe heard people talking about a 'just transition', you know it’s a big deal, but don’t know enough to comment. We’re here to shed some light so you feel better equipped to be part of this important conversation.
The Remakery
Bridging the digital divide by connecting to the earth.