Clothing rental firm shows journey to net zero is in fashion
4 November 2021

Reducing carbon emissions and achieving net-zero is the solution for not only our planet, but also for your business.
Starting your journey to net-zero is not only an investment in your businesses’ long-term profitability but means that you are doing your bit for Scotland’s ambitious climate targets. Meanwhile, it also signifies new market opportunities, industry recognition, employee wellbeing and increased staff retention within your business.
One business that has been committed to sustainability since its inception in 1997 is ACS Clothing, a Rental and Resale reverse logistics provider in the fashion rental industry.
Lanarkshire-based ACS Clothing’s core business focuses on rental and renewal, an inherently circular model that aims to extend the life of clothing and reduce textile waste. Given that the fashion industry is one of the highest polluting industries in the world, the business signed up to the UN’s Race to Zero campaign and embarked on its own net-zero journey in 2018.
With an extensive public sector support network, ACS Clothing is a Scottish Enterprise managed account, with specialist advisers appointed to guide the brand’s journey to net-zero. The business partners with a multitude of other organisations, including Zero Waste Scotland, as well as regularly meeting with the Scottish Government to discuss issues such as sustainability, legislation and, most recently, recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
A proud Zero Waste business, all excess materials from the site’s warehouse are reused or recycled, with the by-product from its cleaning process even being recycled into building bricks. ACS Clothing also operates as a carbon neutral organisation, with a team of sustainability experts working closely with ClimatePartner to identify ways of reducing the business’ emissions and offsetting them where necessary.
ACS Clothing believes that having implemented changes early in the game puts the brand in a solid position for future growth. Cost savings, investment in its future, as well as alignment in values with brand partners, are just some of the benefits the company lists as direct results of its journey to net-zero.
As information on the carbon footprint of fashion became more available, we realised that we were in a position to create positive change. I would strongly recommend other businesses to embark on their journey. Starting now will set you apart from other businesses and ahead of Scotland’s 2045 climate targets. "
Danielle Moran, ACS Clothing
Take Action
Wherever you are on your journey to net-zero, resources and advice are available now. Scotland’s enterprise agencies and public sector partners are working together to encourage businesses to take advantage of the sustainability support available across the business support landscape.