2050 Climate Group was founded in 2014 by the 2020 Climate Group and Young Scot, who recognised the need to bring young people into the climate conversation and look forward to what we wanted a just and sustainable Scotland to look like by 2050.
21 September 2022
Climate change is a hard topic to talk about, but knowing the facts about climate change and getting to grips with some of the jargon can help give you the confidence you need to start having these essential conversations. In this guide we explain terms such as ‘climate emergency’, ‘net zero’, ‘just transition’ and ‘COP’ so you can talk about these with confidence to your friends, family and colleagues.
When you read and hear about climate change, do you feel a little bit lost? You’ve maybe heard people talking about a 'just transition', you know it’s a big deal, but don’t know enough to comment. We’re here to shed some light so you feel better equipped to be part of this important conversation.
6 July 2021
Climate Beacons for COP26 is a collaborative project that partners together environmental and cultural organisations across Scotland to help involve the public in conversations about climate change in a way that is relevant to the local area.
13 April 2022
The climate crisis is already significantly impacting countries around the world, including Scotland. But collectively we can work to reduce our emissions to net zero and limit any further damage. By starting just one conversation with your friends, family or colleagues, you can create a ripple effect of positive actions that could help make the change needed to reach net zero and save the planet.
Scotland led the world in becoming one of the first nations to declare a global climate emergency in April 2019. The need to take action to tackle climate change is more urgent than ever. So, as part of the global effort to fight the climate emergency Scotland has set an ambitious target to become 'Net Zero' by 2045, five years ahead of the rest of the UK.
During COP26, the Scottish Government and partners hosted an exciting programme of fully digital events to showcase the best of Scotland's climate action. Select 'Watch Again' to check out the recordings from those sessions below.
Scotland was proud to welcome the world’s biggest summit on climate change to Glasgow in October and November 2021- the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26). Climate change remains the greatest challenge facing this planet. COP26 brought together heads of state, climate experts and negotiators to agree coordinated action to tackle the global climate emergency.
Scotland has world-leading climate change legislation, committing us to the target of net zero greenhouse gas emission by 2045. Scotland needs its public sector bodies to work together to tackle these ambitious targets. In this guest blog, Sustainable Scotland Network (SSN) discusses the importance of collaboration, shares examples of ongoing work and highlights resources available.
16 September 2021
You’ll hear the latest news and success stories on net zero action happening across Scotland and receive tips and advice on the action you can take that will have the most impact.