Scottish households throw away around 600,000 tonnes of food waste every year, that’s the weight of about 2,000 Kelpies statues!
This is taken to landfill where it rots and produces destructive greenhouse gases, like methane, which is far more harmful than carbon dioxide. But when food waste is recycled it can be converted into valuable fertilisers and green energy that helps power Scotland’s homes.
Avoidable food and drink waste costs Scottish households £1.1 billion in unnecessary purchases each year. By reducing food waste, each Scottish household could save up to £440 per year.
The best thing we can do is not waste food at all but sometimes it’s unavoidable. Planning and shopping smarter can help you reduce the amount of food you waste and instead of throwing it in the bin it’s better to recycle or compost it to help tackle climate change.
There are lots of quick and simple things you can do to reduce and recycle your food waste. For tips to save food, save money, and save the earth, read through our guides below.
Take action to reduce food waste
Guide 1
Food planning tips to reduce waste and save money
Planning and shopping smarter can help you to reduce the amount of food you waste.
Guide 2
Eating healthy and sustainable food
Producing food is big business. To grow, make, transport, store and cook our food is an energy intensive process which generates greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change.
Guide 3
Recycling food waste
The best thing we can do is not waste food at all. When we waste food, we also waste the energy and resources that went into producing, transporting, sorting and cooking it.
Guide 4
How to compost at home
If your local authority doesn't offer a food waste recycling service, you can recycle your food waste in a composting bin or a compost heap.
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