Marine Energy in Scotland - why we are leading the world and Marine World Leaders Debate

02 November 2021 - 02 November 2021
Online Event
Climate Ambition Zone at the Lighthouse Energy Nature & Biodiversity Science and Innovation
A family cycling along towards hills

1400 - 1500: Showcase of Scotland's Global Lead in Marine Energy

Scotland is the place to develop marine energy projects. In the first part of this session hear from our panel as they discuss and answer questions around the skills, supply chain, infrastructure and natural resources that make Scotland the logical home for marine energy developments. 

1530 - 1700: Marine World Leaders Debate

In the second half of this exciting session on Scotland's Global lead in Marine Energy, we will host a leaders debate with an opportunity to answer audience questions.

This event will be streamed live from the Scotland Climate Ambition Zone and available for you to watch.