Cars, Climate and Strategic Investment – Shaping Transport in Scotland for a Sustainable Future

09 November 2021 - 09 November 2021
Online Event
Transport / Active Travel
A white electric charger plugged into a green car

Join Transport Scotland as they discuss their future vision for transport in a net zero Scotland.

Scotland’s second National Transport Strategy (NTS) sets out an ambitious vision for Scotland’s transport system for the next 20 years. The vision is underpinned by four priorities: Reduces Inequalities, Takes Climate Action, Helps Deliver Inclusive Economic Growth and Improves our Health and Wellbeing, each with three associated outcomes.

In December 2020, the update to the Climate Change Plan was published, within which the Scottish Government committed to the world-leading commitment to reduce car kilometres by 20% by 2030. The NTS2 Delivery Plan includes a number of wide ranging actions to deliver the Strategy’s vision. Two of these will be discussed at this engagement event, the route map to achieve the 20% reduction commitment and STPR2.

STPR2 will inform Scottish Ministers’ transport investment in Scotland for the next 20 years. It involves conducting an evidence-based review of the performance of Scotland’s strategic transport network across all transport modes – walking, wheeling, cycling, bus, rail and road plus wider island connectivity – to identify interventions required to support the delivery of our National Transport Strategy.

Through this engagement event, Transport Scotland aims to highlight the importance of the 20% reduction commitment, and present the story so far on this, and further information on the progress of STPR2. We will present our approach and the potential measures that we have identified to date alongside interactive polling to gather insight from participants.

This session will take place on Microsoft Teams. Please note that you do not need to have Microsoft Teams on your device to join this meeting. When you click on the link choose the “Join on the Web instead” to open within your Browser.